The Overton's Spring Break

The Overton's Spring Break
Overton's at the beach!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First real hike of the year!

So we set out for Duck Lake this morning but found that the road was washed out...back up plan "Let's try the trail we saw back there". Well we did and soon realized we would be going strait up 1000 ft. We were Mt. goats today! So tired! But the view was amazing and it made me realize just how out of shape I am! It was great family time and we all enjoyed ourselves ( even Bogee was a real trooper)...we stopped and had dinner at a great little place in McCall. Couldn't ask for a better day!


  1. That sounds amazing! Every time I hike I have the same, "I'm out of shape" thoughts, but the view is totally worth it :)
